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Outreach and Youth Cafe


St. Giles' Theatre Group

Started in 1987 by the Minister and Kirk Session as an outreach to the youth of all churches (all denominations) and also the community. No one has ever been turned away from the group. The group has never been concerned with making money, some productions clear their costs, others have resulted in considerable profit. It was decided at the outset that any profits after production costs would go to Christian Aid and other local charities. The group has made donations of around £50,000 over the years. They are indebted to literally hundreds of people in the Church and community for being supportive of their efforts. Many of our young people go on to careers in the theatre.

Youth Café

As an outreach project the congregation continues to support Elgin Youth Café. Several of our elders and other members play a major part as volunteers in the organisation and running of the café, and this year some of the young people from the café have assisted at some of our congregational fundraising events.

Ministry and Staffing

We are looking for

A minister with life experience who is an open and friendly person. He/She would be our Parish Minister interested in all parts of work of the church and its organisations, caring for and visiting members and parishioners including conducting funerals.

A Team Leader and Team Player.

A minister willing to conduct weddings in the community as well as in the Church.

A minister with a vision for the future.

A minister whose doctrine is compatible with the traditions of this congregation.

Our Associate Minister has been called to the Scots Kirk in Paris. All posts within the Presbytery Plan are currently being reviewed. We also have a Deacon (until October 2012), Auxilliary Minister and the following paid staff: 1 Part time Church Secretary, 2 Organists, 1 Deputy Organist and 1 Church Officer and a Caretaker.

Mission Statement

Relying upon the promised guidance of the Holy Spirit, we, as a congregation are committed to



Deepen our own understanding of our Christian faith, and share this with others,

Support the work of the church through out time, talents and wealth,

Look upon others as lovingly as God looks upon us.

The Manse

Front view of the Manse

Manse rear view

The manse of the Parish is at 18 Reidhaven Street, Elgin and is one of a number of substantial stone-built houses constructed along the west side of the street in the late 1800s.

On the ground floor are 2 public rooms, a large family room, kitchen/dining room and utility room. A few steps lead down from the Hall to a generous sized toilet and wash hand basin.

On the upper floor are 3 double bedrooms and one single bedroom. A new toilet, wash hand basin and modern shower bathroom has been created.

The house has been extensively redecorated this year.

New PVC double glazing has been fitted throughout and the house is heated by a new gas fired boiler. The loft insulation has also been upgraded.

There is a small garden to the front and a generous garden (half lawn and half mature fruit trees) at the rear. A driveway leads into a 3 car carport at the side of the property.

A further property is provided at 2 Hay Place, Elgin, which was occupied until recently by the Associate Minister. It is a compact 2 storey, 3 bedroom house, built about 25 years ago, in a fairly small site with good access.


The appropriate stipend plus travelling and listed expenses are paid.

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Business Matters


The Church is governed under the amended Model Deed of Constitution for Parishes Quod Sacra 1965 (usually known as the Model Constitution).


The church magazine is published 9 times a year and is either hand delivered or posted to all members of the congregation.

A weekly Order of Service sheet is distributed at Morning Worship, and also contains information of forthcoming events and matters of interest.


The last independently examined accounts for the year to November 2009 confirm that St Giles' and St Columba's South Church is in a very sound financial position through a combination of substantial invested funds plus considerable bank deposits.

In 2009 the church undertook a Stewardship Campaign which was very successful and resulted in increased regular congregational givings. A large number of members contribute by standing order or through freewill offering envelopes the vast majority of which are gift aided.

Our finances are managed by a finance convenor and a committee of 12 including the church treasurer who report regularly to the board and keep the wider congregation fully informed through the church magazine.

A financial budget is prepared each year and approved by the board and which has indicated for this year that the accounts will produce a surplus on our general account.

Outreach and Youth Casfe